Lies, phone records, and pictures

On Monday, September 24, Hughes, attorney for the three men shot during the Linden protests – but more pertinently the chairman and would be presidential candidate for the AFC – said: “We are specifically alleging that in the 45 minutes immediately preceding the shooting there was at least one telephone call from the minister to Officer Hicken.” He made this bold and unequivocal assertion during his cross-examination of acting Commissioner Leroy Brumell.
The phone records just produced by the telephone company, however, shows that Hughes was lying in his teeth. All that was shown was that there were calls between the phones of the two men AFTER the shooting. There are several issues that now arise. Right up there is the question of whether Hughes will be allowed to get away with his BIG LIE. Like Goebells, the master propagandist of Hitler, Hughes had made this assertion several times – before the commission and in public.
Tell the lie long enough and people accept it as the truth.
His very transparent ploy in placing the calls before the shootings was to claim Rohee had given the order to shoot to Hicken. Now we know that the opposition has it in for Rohee – they just can’t stand the fact that he doesn’t take their BS lying down. Every time they come up with their nonsense, he nails them with a well-researched – and tough-worded letter in the press. But to assert, so boldly to put Rohee on the firing line – literally – is crossing the lines of decency. There is also the matter of legality.
The commission at the least must demand Hughes produce the evidence for making such an unambiguous assertion. He didn’t say that the call between the two men before the shooting MAY have occurred: he made bold that it had. Did he have one of the infamous cellphone triangulators to monitor Rohee’s calls? If the rules of evidence were in place as in a trial, Hughes would have had to show some basis for his claim. But in this inquiry, Hughes has been allowed to introduce fabricated “evidence”, then try and convict Rohee with impunity – not to mention immunity in the arena of public opinion. Something stinks to high heavens.
This inquiry has always been more about politics than finding out what actually happened on the evening of July 18. But there must be a line drawn against such brass- faced lies such as was uttered by Hughes.
Protests and protests
The commission of inquiry for the Linden shootings will now take a two-week break. They’ll most likely be going over in their minds what has been presented up to now. We suggest that you the ordinary citizen should also do the same. As the old folks say, ‘pick sense from nonsense’. The Linden folks were given permission to hold a ‘peaceful march’ that would lead them across one of the most strategic bridges in Guyana. The gateway to the entire interior below and across from Region 10.
What does the uncontroverted visual and verbal evidence show up to now? Hundreds of protesters remained on the bridge and refused to move. They openly declared that the police couldn’t move them. Hammocks were slung across the bridge. Tents were erected. Food was being cooked. Even a latrine was set up! And when the police tried to get them to move – the interior had to survive, no? – bottles were pelted. Beer bottles? One detective stationed at the local police station said that he didn’t see protesters throwing ‘objects’ at police. He’d been given the order to take photographs but didn’t because the protesters ‘asked’ him not to on one occasion! He has to live in Linden!!
Now that we’re inquiring into crimes and all that, will there be an inquiry into the massacre Gayle and company inflicted on the Aussies. How sweet it is!!!!

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